Fat experiences

My wife can look 40 pounds different in weight based on what she is wearing

My wife happens to be 5’ 3” and probably 180 pounds currently.

We went out to dinner the other night and she had on some extremely tight jeans and a higher waisted blouse that showed her large lower belly snug in her jeans with at time her belly squishing out and love handles exposed when sitting down.

The main part that caught my attention and always seems to - she has on flat sandals - she looked a good 40 pounds heavier wearing her flat sandals as opposed to when she has on 3-4” heels. It is amazing how much heavier she looks just with a shoe adjustment.
3 months

My wife can look 40 pounds different in weight based on what she is wearing

My wife happens to be 5’ 3” and probably 180 pounds currently.

We went out to dinner the other night and she had on some extremely tight jeans and a higher waisted blouse that showed her large lower belly snug in her jeans with at time her belly squishing out and love handles exposed when sitting down.

The main part that caught my attention and always seems to - she has on flat sandals - she looked a good 40 pounds heavier wearing her flat sandals as opposed to when she has on 3-4” heels. It is amazing how much heavier she looks just with a shoe adjustment.

If the men find out we can shape shift, they're going to tell the church
3 months